Monitoring storage space – IBM RELEASE 7.3 User Manual
Page 247

Field Descriptions
Eject Tapes After Exporting. If this checkbox is selected, the exported tape volumes will also be
ejected from the PVR.
File Containing Volume List. The name of an external file containing a list of volume labels to be
added to the end of the Volume List.
Fill Count. The number of volume labels to be added to the end of the list when the Volume Label field
is next modified. This number may be one or greater. If the list fills up before the Fill Count is
exhausted, filling stops, and a message box is displayed (see Maximum Volumes Allowed below).
Fill Increment. In a multiple-label fill, this field determines how each new volume label is generated
from the previous one. A volume label is six alphanumeric characters. The Fill Increment is added to the
numerical part of a volume label to generate a new label.
Volume Label. The volume label to be added to the end of the Volume List. If Fill Count is greater than
1, this will be the first label of a fill sequence. The label must be exactly six characters long. Lower case
characters entered into this field will be converted to upper case.
Maximum Volumes Allowed. The maximum number of volume labels that will fit in the Volume List.
This value is 10,000 and is maintained by SSM. This field is non-editable.
Total Count. The total number of volumes currently in the Volume List.
Volume List. A list of volume labels specifying the volumes to be exported. You cannot enter labels
directly into this list, but must construct it using one of the three ways described above. Use the scrollbar
to move up and down the list of labels.
You can select one or more labels from the list for the purpose of deleting them from the list (see Clear
Selected below).
Clear All. Clears the Volume List and resets Fill Count and Fill Increment to 1.
Clear Selected. If one or more volumes are selected (highlighted) in the Volume List, clicking on this
button will remove them from the list. Note that this does not actually delete anything from HPSS.
Export. Begins the volume export using the displayed data. A start message is displayed on the status bar
at the bottom of the window, and all window features are disabled, except for the Dismiss button; this
prevents you from modifying any data on the window while the export is in progress.
8.3. Monitoring Storage Space
One of the most important administrative tasks is to monitor storage space usage in the HPSS system.
The goal is early detection of any potential space shortages so that corrective action can be taken in a
timely manner. Each storage class is configured with a warning threshold and a critical threshold to
inform SSM users when the free space in a storage class runs low. Warning and major alarms are sent to
the Alarms and Events window periodically when the warning and critical thresholds are exceeded.
Migration policies can be configured to automatically start migration when either threshold is exceeded.
When a storage class experiences a threshold-exceeded condition, an administrator may need to review
the associated migration and purge policies for the storage class as well as the total storage space
HPSS Management Guide
November 2009
Release 7.3 (Revision 1.0)