IBM RELEASE 7.3 User Manual
Page 275

In RWC condition, the volume can be read and written. This is the normal operational state.
In RW condition, the volume can be read and written, but new tape storage segments may not be
created on the volume.
In RO condition, the volume can be read but not written. New storage segments cannot be created
on the volume.
In EOM condition, the volume can be read but not written. One or more of the tapes has been
written to its end and the tape virtual volume is now full. New storage segments cannot be created
on the volume. The volume condition can be changed to DOWN, but not to any other condition.
Note that setting a volume to EOM is irreversible. Don't use this setting unless you're sure it's
what you want.
In EMPTY condition, the volume cannot be read or written. The volume has reached EOM, and
all storage segments have been removed from the volume. New storage segments cannot be
created. Volumes cannot be changed manually to EMPTY condition. EMPTY is reported by the
Core Server when the volume has reached EOM and no storage segments remain on the volume.
In DOWN condition, the volume cannot be read, written or mounted. This condition can be used
to make a tape unavailable to the system.
Change the condition of a tape virtual volume by selecting the desired condition from the drop down
menu and then pressing the Update button.
Changes Pending. If there are any VV Condition changes for this volume pending in the Core server,
Changes Pending will be "Yes" with a red bullet. Otherwise, Changes Pending will be None.
Retired. When checked, the volume is retired. New storage segments will not be created on the volume.
Retired volumes may not be reclaimed.
More Commonly Used Data Tab
Number of Active Segments. The number of storage segments stored in this virtual volume.
Map State. This is the primary operational state flag of the tape virtual volume. It can take on one of the
following values:
Free - The volume is available to be written.
Allocated - The volume is assigned to a tape write operation and is being written.
EOM - The volume has reached End Of Media and can no longer be written.
Empty - The volume has reached End Of Media and all storage segments have been deleted.
Deny - The volume is not eligible to have a new tape storage segment created on it. Tape read
operations are permitted, and the last storage segment on the tape may be written under certain
The Map State field is displayed to provide an additional level of detailed information about the tape
volume. It cannot be changed manually. Use the VV Condition to change the operational condition of
the volume.
A tape volume starts in Free state, which indicates that it can be selected to receive a storage segment and
HPSS Management Guide
November 2009
Release 7.3 (Revision 1.0)