IBM RELEASE 7.3 User Manual

Page 75

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This window lists all the subsystems in the HPSS system and provides the ability to manage these
subsystems. To open the window, from the Health and Status window select the Configure menu, and
from there select the Subsystems menu item.

To create a new subsystem, click on the Create New button. To configure an existing subsystem, select it
from the list and click on the Configure button. When creating or configuring a subsystem, the Storage
Subsystem Configuration
window will appear.

To delete an existing subsystem, select it from the list and click on the Delete button.

Field Descriptions

Subsystem List table columns. For details on the columns listed for each subsystem, refer to Section
4.2.3: Storage Subsystem Configuration Window on page 76.

Administration Buttons

Accounting Status - Opens the Accounting Status window which displays the status and statistics from
the last accounting run. See Section Generating an Accounting Report on page 332 for more
information. You must first select a configured subsystem by clicking on the subsystem entry from the
list of displayed subsystems.

Start Accounting - Start the Accounting utility to generate an accounting report. See the Accounting
Status window for updates from the utility. You must first select a subsystem by clicking on the
subsystem entry from the list of displayed subsystems.

Configuration Buttons

Create New - Create a new storage subsystem definition by opening a Storage Subsystem window
containing default values for a new subsystem.

Configure - Open the selected subsystem configuration for editing. This button is disabled unless a

HPSS Management Guide

November 2009

Release 7.3 (Revision 1.0)