Protective functions, Measuring points and instruments – MITSUBISHI ELECTRIC FR-A500L User Manual
Page 51
Measuring Points and Instruments
Measuring Point
Measuring Instrument
(Reference Measured Value)
Power supply voltage V
Across R-S, S-T and T-R 1 -L 2 , L 2 -L 3 and L 3 -L 1 > Moving-iron type AC voltmeter Commercial power supply Power supply side 1 R, S and T line currents 1, L 2 , and L 3 line currents> Moving-iron type AC ammeter Power supply side power 1 At R, S and T, and across R-S, 1 , L 2 and L 3 , and across L 1 - L 2 , L 2 -L 3 and L 3 -L 1 > Electrodynamic type single- P 1 = W 11 + W 12 + W 13 (3-wattmeter method) Power supply side power 1 Calculate after measuring power supply voltage, power supply side current and power supply side power. × 100% 3 V 1 I 1 P 1 Pf 1 = Output side voltage V 2 Across U-V, V-Wand W-U Rectifier type AC voltmeter Difference between phases is ± 1% of maximum output voltage. Output side current I 2 U, V and W line currents Moving-iron type AC ammeter Current should be equal to or less Output side power P 2 At U, V and W, and across U-V Electrodynamic type single- P 2 = W 21 + W 22 2-wattmeter method (or 3- Output side power factor 2 Calculate in similar manner to power supply side power factor. × 100% 3 V 2 I 2 P 2 Pf 2 = Converter output Across P-N< Across + and - > Moving-coil type (such as POWER lamp lit × V 1 Maximum 760V during Across 2 ( + ) − 5 0 to 5V/0 to 10VDC Across 1 ( + ) − 5 0 to ± 5V/0 to ± 10VDC Frequency setting signal Across 4 ( + ) − 5 4 to 20mADC Across 10 ( + ) − 5 5VDC Frequency setting power Across 10E ( + ) − 5 10VDC “5” i s co m m on. Across FM ( + ) − SD Approximately. 5VDC at DC8V T1 T2 Pulse width T1: Adjusted by Pr.900 Pulse cycle T2: Set by Pr.55 (Valid for frequency Frequency meter signal Across AM ( + ) − 5 Approximately 10DVC at Start signal Across STF, STR, RH, RM, RL, + ) − SD Reset Across RES ( + ) − SD Output stop Across MRS ( + ) − SD Moving-coil type (Tester, etc. Ω or larger) 20 to 30VDC when open. S D is c om m on. Alarm signal Across A-C Moving-coil type Continuity check (Note 2) Across A-C: Discontinuity Continuity Discontinuity Note 1. Accurate data will not be obtained by a tester. 2. When Pr. 195 "A, B, C terminal function selection" setting is positive logic.
Within permissible AC voltage
fluctuation Refer to Page 40
current I
S-T and T-R
phase wattmeter
factor Pf
(Note 1) (Not moving-iron type)
than rated inverter current.
Difference between phases is 10%
or lower.
and V-W
phase wattmeter
wattmeter method)
regenerative operation
maximum frequency
(without frequency meter)
monitoring only)
maximum frequency
(without frequency meter)
Select signal
may be used) (Internal
resistance: 50k
ON voltage: 1V or less
Across B-C
(such as tester)
Across B-C: Continuity