Z checking the inverter and converter modules, Protective functions, Preparation – MITSUBISHI ELECTRIC FR-A500L User Manual
Page 48: Checking method, Module device numbers and terminals to be checked
Checking the inverter and converter modules
(1) Disconnect the external power supply cables (R, S, T) 1 , L 2 , L 3 > and motor cables (U, V, W). (2) Prepare a tester. (Use 100 Ω range.) Change the polarity of the tester alternately at the inverter terminals R, S, T, U, V, W, P and N 1 , L 2 , L 3, U, V, W, + and ->, and check for continuity. Note: 1. Before measurement, check that the smoothing capacitor is discharged. 2. At the time of continuity, the measured value is several to several ten’s-of ohms depending on the module type, circuit tester type, etc. If all measured values are almost the same, the modules are Tester Polarity Tester Polarity Measured Value Measured Value R 1 > P<+> Discontinuity R 1 > N<-> Continuity D1 P<+> R 1 > Continuity D4 N<-> R 1 > Discontinuity S 2 > P<+> Discontinuity S 2 > N<-> Continuity D2 P<+> S 2 > Continuity D5 N<-> S 2 > Discontinuity T 3 > P<+> Discontinuity T 3 > N<-> Continuity C onverter m odul e D3 P<+> T 3 > Continuity D6 N<-> T 3 > Discontinuity U P<+> Discontinuity U N<-> Continuity TR1 P<+> U Continuity TR4 N<-> U Discontinuity V P<+> Discontinuity V N<-> Continuity TR2 P<+> V Continuity TR6 N<-> V Discontinuity W P<+> Discontinuity W N<-> Continuity In verter m odul e TR5 P<+> W Continuity TR2 N<-> W Discontinuity D1 D2 D3 D4 D5 D6 TR1 TR3 TR5 TR4 TR6 TR2 U V W R 1 > S 2 > T 3 > C P<+> N <-> Inverter module Converter module
without fault.