FUJITSU ServerView Virtual-IO Manager V3.1 User Manual
Page 92

3 Installation and uninstallation
2. Click Register new license.
Enter a valid license here. You can also enter several licenses by click-
ing Register new license again. Each license contains a number of
assigns. This license permits you to assign this number of server pro-
Licenses purchased with Virtual-IO Manager versions prior to V2.4 are
also still valid. These licenses (v1) contain a chassis count which is mul-
tiplied by 18 to get the assign count used in licenses (v2) purchased with
Virtual-IO Manager V2.4 or later.
3. Click Exit in the VIOM License Manager dialog box to exit the License
On Linux you can also add a licence without graphical user inter-
cd /opt/fujitsu/ServerViewSuite/plugins/viom/Manager
sh --license-key=
You can also delete licenses, provided that the total number of assignments
of the remaining licenses is not smaller than the number of server profiles
assigned. To do this, launch the License Manager from the Windows Start
Menu or with the script.
1. On Windows: Choose Start – [All] Programs – Fujitsu – ServerView
Suite – Virtual-IO Manager – License Management.
On Linux: Execute the command sh
ServerView Virtual-IO Manager