3 restoring the viom database on linux – FUJITSU ServerView Virtual-IO Manager V3.1 User Manual
Page 350

14 VIOM database
Make all other entries as described in the relevant sections. Afterwards, the
database should have been restored under the name RECOVERYTEST.
You can check this as follows:
1. Click the SQL Server instance and select Databases.
2. Select Refresh from the context menu.
The database RECOVERYTEST must be displayed in the list.
You can then delete the database RECOVERYTEST as follows:
1. Select the database and then select Drop from the context menu.
14.3 Restoring the VIOM database on Linux
In the event of an error, you can restore the VIOM database from the back-
ups. You must not delete the current VIOM database or the errored VIOM
database. If you find any errors during restoration, you must restart the res-
toration from the beginning.
Before you restore the VIOM database, the ServerView database
may also have to be restored. For more on restoring the ServerView
database, please see "Installing ServerView Operations Manager
Software under Linux - Installation Guide".
Here are the additional steps for restoring the VIOM database:
1. Stop the VIOM Backup Service:
/etc/init.d/viom_backup stop
2. Stop the VIOM Manager Service:
/etc/init.d/viom_man stop
3. Import the VIOM database:
bzip2 –cd /var/fujitsu/ServerViewSuite/viom/postgres/
backups/ViomDB.dump.bz2 |/opt/fujitsu/ServerViewSuite/
Postgresql/pgsql/bin/psql –p 9212 –d ViomDB –U svuser
4. Start the VIOM Manager Service:
/etc/init.d/viom_man start
ServerView Virtual-IO Manager