FUJITSU MHV2160BT User Manual

Page 139

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5.3 Host Commands



Table 5.13 Off-line data collection status

Status Byte


00h or 80h

Off-line data collection is not executed.

02h or 82h

Off-line data collection has ended without an error.

04h or 84h

Off-line data collection is interrupted by a command from the host.

05h or 85h

Off-line data collection has ended before completion because of a
command from the host.

06h or 86h

Off-line data collection has ended before completion because of an
error that makes collection impossible. (Not used)

40 to 7Fh

Vendor unique (Not used)

C0h to FFh

01h or 81h

03h or 83h

07h or 3Fh

87h to BFh


Self-test execution status

Table 5.14 Self-test execution status

Bit Meaning

0 to 3:

Remainder of the self-test is indicated as a percentage in a range
of "0h to 9h" (corresponding to 0 to 90 %).

4 to 7:

Self-test execution status

= 0h:

Self-test has ended successfully, or self-test has not been

= 1h:

Self-test is suspended by the host.

= 2h:

Self-test is interrupted by a soft reset/COMRESET from the host.

= 3h:

Self-test cannot be executed.

= 4h:

Self-test has ended with an abnormality because of unknown

= 5h:

Self-test has ended with "Write/Read Test" error.

= 6h:

Self-test has ended with "Servo Check," error.

= 7h:

Self-test has ended with "SMART Drive Error Log Check,"
"Random Read Test," "Adjacent G-List Test, " or "Read Scan
Test" error.

= 8h:

Self-test has ended with "Pre-SMART Check," or "Post-SMART
Check" error.

= 9h to Eh:


= Fh:

Self-test is in progress.