Kofax SupplierExpress User Manual

Page 58

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Configuring SupplierExpress


Kofax SupplierExpress Administrator's Guide

For MarkView integrations, SupplierExpress uses the Workflow Document Type that you

select to route the invoice to the associated MarkView queue.

For Kofax Capture, SupplierExpress directs invoices to the Batch Class specified during

installation. Kofax Capture then retrieves and processes the invoice and metadata submission

as configured for that batch class.

Note Only select the Kofax Capture document type for Standard Invoice submission.

1 Log in to SupplierExpress and select Tools > Company Settings.
2 In the navigation bar, select Invoice Submission.
3 Select Enable ‘Submit an Invoice’ feature and the check boxes for the invoice submission

types to enable.

Invoice Submission Type


Standard Invoice submission

Lets suppliers upload PDF versions of PO and

Non-PO invoices. The supplier enters no invoice


Non-PO Invoice submission

Lets suppliers enter basic invoice header information

and pick an approver from a list that you configure.

PO Invoice submission

Lets suppliers electronically turn an open and

approved PO (with funds remaining) into an invoice.

KeT Invoice submission

Lets a SupplierExpress administrator, whom you

specify, to send invoices using Kofax e-Transactions.

For more information, see

Invoice Submission

on page 20.

4 (MarkView integration only) Select the Workstation Serial Number that is defined in

MarkView Administration.
The serial number is used in conjunction with database preferences to select the protocol

used to save and retrieve documents. The default for this field is WEB_CLIENT.

Contact your MarkView System Administrator for the serial number to use.