Invitation to send through standard mail, Note to include with payments – Kofax SupplierExpress User Manual
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Recruiting Suppliers
Kofax SupplierExpress Administrator's Guide
We are pleased to invite you to join SupplierExpress, our AP portal, where you can:
▪ Submit invoices online, ensuring the immediate receipt of accurate invoice information.
▪ Make easy, convenient inquiries regarding invoice status, purchase order information, and
payment information.
▪ Send messages to resolve disputes or clarify status information.
▪ Update your company information, such as contacts or W9 forms, to keep the buyer
company updated with any changes.
To register, use the link below. For your convenience, the site is available 7 days a week, 24
hours a day.
Invitation to Send through Standard Mail
Would you like to:
▪ Be sure that
the payment process has begun.
▪ Access information from
about the status of an invoice or payment, or obtain information about payments and
purchase orders.
▪ Send messages (online) directly to the
responding to disputes.
▪ Initiate changes to your
▪ Do all of this by yourself through the web at no charge.
If so, we've introduced SupplierExpress, our AP portal, just for you.
Go to, take a guided tour, and enter a request to register to use
the portal. We'll respond to your request with an invitation to register. After answering a few
simple questions, and receiving a follow-up email from us, you're ready to go.
Note to Include with Payments
Did you know that you can….
▪ Submit your invoices online—and then have immediate confirmation that your invoice was
received, that the information is accurate, and that the payment cycle has begun?
▪ Determine the status of your invoices online at any time, and know that you are accessing
the most accurate and up-to-date information?
▪ Access purchase order and payment information online at any time?
▪ Send messages to AP to request more information or resolve disputes?
It's easy and it's free. Just go to, take a guided tour, and enter
a request to register to use the portal. We'll respond to your request with an invitation
to register. After answering a few simple questions (name, email and supplier site), and
receiving a follow-up email from us, you're ready to go.