Industrial Data Systems IDS DT220 User Manual

Page 39

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DT220 Users Manual version 1.a

Diagnostic Tests


Memory Display

The display prompts “Memory Address: xxxx”. Enter a memory address and press the

Enter key. The DT220 displays a block of memory. Use the Review (↑↑↑↑) and Cont. (↓↓↓↓)

keys or the numeric keypad to view other memory blocks. Press the

Clear Entry key to

exit memory display.

Com 1, 2, and 3 Tests

This test displays and transmits serial data on communications ports 1, 2 & 3. Press the

Enter key to transmit a test string of “1234567890ABCDEF” any received will display

automatically. If all data being received or transmitted is unintelligible, the baud rate or

data formats are probably incorrect. If nothing is displayed on the display, then check the


Cabling between the communicating units.


Make sure the sending unit is actually sending data.

Press the CLEAR key to exit diagnostic the test and return to the menu.

A/D Test

This test displays the raw count data being read from the A/D converter. The speed and

filter settings will be displayed along with the average, high average, low average,

deviation, peak deviation & drift. Press the

Enter key to reset the values.

If no data is being displayed, the A/D converter is “locked up”. Turn power off and then

on and re-activate the test. Check load cell wiring for reversed signal or excitation


MMC Test

Use this function to display ID Database sectors.

TTL Input Test

Use this to test TTL inputs 1-7. The display will show the binary values 1,2,4,8,16,32,64

for the TTL ports 1-7. When shorted to ground the display will show 0 for the

corresponding input.

NOTE: TTL input 7 is the calibration function lock a 0 indicates

the lock is disabled and access to the scale configuration parameters are not restricted.

Pulse Input Test

Use this to test pulse counts on input 6. Every time TTL 6 is shorted to ground the

counter will increment.

Keyboard Test

Use this to test the keys on the keyboard. The character will display when the key is
