Configure parameters – Industrial Data Systems IDS DT220 User Manual
Page 18

DT220 Users Manual version 1.a Configuration Parameters
Configure Parameters
Press the
Shift key and then the CFG/Test key (Function Key 9) to access the
Configuration Parameters. The following menu is displayed:
1 Scale Parameters
2 Calibrate
3 Com & Printer Ports
4 Event Monitor
5 ID Database
6 PagePrinter
7 Registers
8 Meter Select
9 Passwords
10 System Initialize
Use the
Review and Cont. keys or the numeric keypad to move the pointer to a
configuration menu item and then press the
Enter key.
Press the Clear Entry key to exit configuration mode. The display prompts:
Press P to program changes into ROM
Press X to discard changes
Press P or X to save or discard changes.
Scale Parameters
The scale parameters configure DT220 for the weigh platform or load cell that it is
connected to.
1 A/D speed xxx Filter xx
2 Full Scale xxxxxx
3 Overload Wt xxxxxx
4 Count by: xxxx Alt: xxxx
5 Units Pri: uuuu Alt: uuuu
6 Zero xxx% delay xx band xx
7 Motion delay xx band xx blanks=y/n
8 P.O. Zero = Y
Some of the following parameters are entered in terms of “graduations”. The full-scale
graduations can be found by dividing the full-scale weight by the count-by weight. For
example, if the scale is configured for 500.00lb x 0.05lb, the full-scale graduations is
500.00/0.05 = 10,000 graduations to full scale.
The numbers in parenthesis are the default factory settings.
Note: Jumper TB3 pin 7 to TB6 pin 7 (Function Lock Jumper) to enable scale
configuration and calibration. Jumper enabled as default from the factory RED wire.
Remove to lock configuration after calibration.