Diagnostic tests – Industrial Data Systems IDS DT220 User Manual

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DT220 Users Manual version 1.a

Diagnostic Tests


Diagnostic Tests

The DIAGNOSTIC TESTS are accessed using Func. 9 (test/config.) key. The display

presents the following menu:

1. Audit Number Display

2. Register Data Display

3. Memory Display

4. Com 1 test

5. Com 2 test

6. Com 3 test

7. A/D test

8. MMC test

9. TTL input test

10. Pulse count test

11. Keyboard test

Use the

Review (↑↑↑↑) and Cont. (↓↓↓↓) keys or the numeric keypad to move the pointer to a

menu item and then press the

Enter key.

Display Calibration Audit Numbers (Shift key then F5 key)

Press the

Shift key then the F5 Audit key to view the scale audit number, application

number, configuration number and the software revision ID number. The audit numbers

can also be accessed via the

CFG Test key selection 1.

The DT220 provides a Scale audit number an application audit number and a

configuration number. They are used to indicate changes to calibration data, application

data and configuration data. They can be used in place of mechanical seals by some

regulatory agencies.
The scale and configuration audit numbers increment each time a scale parameter or

calibration parameter is changed (deadload or weight conversion factor). The

configuration audit number increments each time any configuration setting has been

changed. The scale, application and configuration audit numbers increment each time

new firmware has been loaded.
If physical seals are used, then remove the internal function lock jumper TB3 terminal 7

to TB6 terminal 7 before sealing. Calibration parameters cannot be accessed when the

function lock jumper is removed. Enter Password will be displayed when locked and

there is no password to disable the function lock from the keypad. See TTL Input Test for

TTL input 7 Lock function status.

Register Data Display

Use this function to view register names and contents. Use the

Review (↑↑↑↑) and Cont. (↓↓↓↓)

keys or the numeric keypad to move the pointer to a register. Press the

Clear Entry key

to exit register display.