Industrial Data Systems IDS DT220 User Manual
Page 12
DT220 Users Manual version 1.a
Using the DT220
Press the Gross/Net key to alternate between Gross and Gross/Tare/Net display modes.
Press the TARE key when the scale is in a stable condition (no motion) and NOT a
negative weight. The DT220 reads the weight on the scale and stores it in the tare
register. The DT220 switches to Gross/Tare/Net mode and displays the weights.
Use the numeric keys to enter a tare weight (keyboard entry will be displayed). Press
the TARE key. The DT220 stores the entered weight in the tare register and switches
to Gross/Tare/Net display mode and displays the weights.
While the scale is stable and displaying zero press the TARE key the tare weight is
cleared to zero and the DT220 switches to the GROSS mode.
Press the numeric zero (0) key. Press the TARE key. The tare weight is cleared to
zero and the DT220 switches to the GROSS mode.
Press the UNITS key to toggle from primary units and alternate units.
Press the PRINT key to print weight data. If the DT220 is in Gross display mode Page
format 1 is printed. If in Gross/Tare/Net mode page format 2 is printed.