Oracle A423961 User Manual

Page 88

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Oracle7 Server Getting Started for Windows NT


The percentage is calculated as a Miss ratio: Reducing

Buffer Cache Misses expresses the calculation as a High ratio.

Tuning I/O

Object: Oracle7 Data Files

The Data Files object contains two counters per data file instance, the
phyrds/sec and phywrts/sec counters.

These values are time derived.

See Reducing Disk Contention in Oracle7 Server Tuning.

Object: Oracle7 Dynamic Space Management

The Dynamic Space Management object contains one counter, the
recursive/calls per second counter.

If Oracle7 makes excess recursive calls while your application is
running, it may be necessary to determine the cause of excess recursive
calls. See Detecting Dynamic Extension in Oracle7 Server Tuning.

Tuning Contention

Object: Oracle7 Redo Log Buffer

The Redo Log Buffer object contains one counter, the redo log space
request counter.

The value of this counter should be near 0. If this value increments
consistently, processes have had to wait for space in the buffer. In this
case, it may be necessary to increase the size of the redo log buffer. See
Space in the Redo Log Buffer in Oracle7 Server Tuning.

Additional Tuning Contentions

Object: Oracle7 Tuning Sorts

The Tuning Sorts object contains two counters, the sorts in memory/sec
and the sorts on disk/sec counters.

If a significant number of sorts require disk I/O to temporary segments,
your application’s performance may benefit from increasing the size of
the sort area. See Increasing Sort Area Size in Oracle7 Server Tuning.

Object: Oracle7 Free List

The Free Lists object contains one counter, the freelist waits/requests
percentage counter.

If this value is greater than 1% add more free list to reduce contention.
See Identifying Free List Contention in Oracle7 Server Tuning.