Oracle A423961 User Manual
Page 61

Starter Database
Tablespace Structure
3 – 3
Using Oracle7 Server for Windows NT
The starter database is installed to operate in
NOARCHIVELOG mode. If you wish to archive redo log files,
see Setting the Archivelog Mode and Recovering the Database later in
this Guide.
Additional Information:
You can protect your database from a
disk drive malfunction by keeping (on separate physical drives)
multiple control files for each database and setting the
CONTROL_FILES initialization parameter to list each control
file. See Oracle7 Server Administrator’s Guide for information on
setting this initialization parameter value.
The four tablespaces in the Oracle7 Server for Windows NT starter
database hold various types of data, as follows:
SYSTEM tablespace
contents of the data dictionary including
definitions of tables, views, and stored
procedures needed by the RDBMS.
Information in this area is maintained
automatically. Your application data goes in
the USER_DATA tablespace.
empty when the server is initially installed. As
you create tables and enter data into them, you
fill this space with your data. When you add
users to the system using the User Manager
tool (described later in this chapter), the
default tablespace of the users is automatically
set to USER_DATA.
used for rolling back transactions that fail to
complete normally. You may need to expand
this tablespace if you have long–running or
high–data–volume transactions.