Oracle A423961 User Manual
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Oracle7 Server Getting Started for Windows NT
Programmer’s Guide to the Oracle Pro*C Precompiler
Comprehensive user’s guide and on–the–job reference to the Oracle
Pro*C/C++ Precompiler release 2.1. It shows you how to use the
database language SQL and Oracle’s procedural extension (PL/SQL) in
conjunction with Pro*C to manipulate data in an Oracle7 database. It
explores a full range of topics––from underlying concepts to advanced
programming techniques––and uses hands–on examples to teach you all
you need to know.
Pro*COBOL Supplement to the Oracle Precompilers, Release 1.7
Shows you how to write COBOL programs that use the powerful
database language (SQL) to access and manipulate Oracle data. It
provides easy–to–follow examples, instructions, and programming tips,
as well as several full–length programs to enhance your understanding
and demonstrate the usefulness of embedded SQL.
Oracle Network Products Messages Manual
Provides information required to understand and use the problem
resolution facilities of the following Oracle network products:
SQL*Net version 2.0 and later
MultiProtocol Interchange
Oracle Protocol Adapters
Oracle Network Manager
Oracle Names
Secure Network Services
Oracle Native Naming Adapters
In particular, this Guide:
provides an overview of messages, error logs, and trace facilities
describes how to use the error logs and trace facilities
describes how to configure the client, server, Interchange, listener,
and Names server components to invoke the trace facility
lists all the Oracle network product error messages and their
probable causes, and provides the actions recommended to
correct them