Using the documentation – Oracle A423961 User Manual

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Chapter 5

Database Maintenance

Instructions for performing ongoing database maintenance tasks using
graphical and command–line procedures.

Appendix A

Documentation Roadmap

Details the documentation included in your package, and how you can
use it most effectively.

Appendix B

Directory Structures

Directory structures for Windows NT and Windows/Windows95.
Additionally, information about the types of possible Oracle WebServer
installations is included.

Appendix C

Initialization Parameter Files

Describes Oracle7 Server for Windows NT initialization parameters,
how to edit them, and Windows NT–specific defaults (and ranges) for

Appendix D

Configuration Parameters and the NT Registry

Describes the use of the Windows NT Registry for various Oracle
products. Additionally, it lists the defaults and ranges for configuration

Appendix E

Messages and Codes

Lists the error messages and codes specific to installing and using
Oracle7 Server for Windows NT and supported network protocols.

Appendix F

National Language Support

Explains the NLS_LANG configuration parameter (and its components),
and lists the available options.

Using the Documentation

This Guide, contains installation and operating information specific to
the Oracle7 Server for Windows NT environment. It includes frequent
references to the location—in other Oracle7 Server documents—of
additional sources of information on topics discussed in this Guide.

For New Users

Oracle7 Server Concepts describes the essential concepts behind an Oracle
database server. Users new to Oracle products should refer to this
document before installing Oracle7 Server for Windows NT.