Oracle A423961 User Manual
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Documentation Roadmap
and the following special options: Distributed, Advanced Replication,
Parallel Query, WebServer, Spatial Data, and Parallel Server options.
Oracle7 Server Administrator’s Guide
Describes how to manage the Oracle7 Server. Information in this Guide
applies to the Oracle7 Server, running on all operating systems. It
provides information about the base Oracle Server and the following
special options: Distributed, Advanced Replication, and Parallel Server
Oracle7 Tuning
The Oracle7 Server is a highly tunable Relational Database Management
System (RDBMS). You can enhance database performance by adjusting
database applications, the database itself, and the operating system.
Proper tuning of Oracle provides the best possible database
performance for your specific application and hardware configuration.
It contains the following information:
the path for the Oracle7 Server documentation
a step–by–step process for tuning the Oracle7 Server
a description of diagnostic tools useful in tuning Oracle7
installation recommendations for optimal performance
a list of all parts of the tuning process that vary, depending on
what operating system runs Oracle
Oracle7 Server Application Developer’s Guide
Describes all features of the Oracle7 Server, a relational database
management system (RDBMS). This Guide is provided so that you can
understand how to develop applications for Oracle7.
Information in this Guide applies to the Oracle7 Server, running on all
operating systems.
Oracle7 Server SQL Reference
Complete description of the Structured Query Language (SQL) used to
manage information in an Oracle7 database.
This manual notes any features that require the Distributed Option,
Parallel Server Option, Parallel Query Option, or PL/SQL to be
installed. Also noted are parts of Oracle7 SQL that are only used with
the Trusted Oracle7 Server.