Windows/ windows 95 directory structure – Oracle A423961 User Manual

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Oracle7 Server Getting Started for Windows NT

Windows/ Windows 95 Directory Structure

You install Windows products on your Windows NT server machine
using Oracle Installer for Windows. Oracle Installer places all Oracle for
Windows products into subdirectories of


. (



Windows 95) The actual directory names vary depending on the
different products that you install.

Directory Structure

Directory Name

Directory Contents


executable, DLL, and batch files for the Oracle Windows tools and
the SQL*Net networking software.


Oracle Toolkit II message files and other utility files.


various configuration files associated with SQL*Net and the Oracle
protocol adapters. The


directory also contains the three

subdirectories described below:



configuration files used by SQL*Net V2.3 for Windows NT.


log files placed here by default.


trace files placed here by default.


loadable NLS files.


files used by Oracle Installer.


SQL*Plus files.


Oracle7 RDBMS database, password, and initialization files.


error message files relating to the Oracle7 Server.


Oracle Server Manager files.