Features specific to windows nt – Oracle A423961 User Manual
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Oracle7 Server Getting Started for Windows NT
Features Specific to Windows NT
This Guide describes a number of features unique to Oracle7 Server for
Windows NT. This chapter describes those features briefly; more
detailed discussions appear later in this Guide.
Windows NT Services
A service is an executable process installed in the Windows NT Registry
database and administered by Windows NT. The Windows NT Registry
automatically tracks and records security information for each service
you create. Once you create and start a service on your Oracle7 Server
for Windows NT machine, the service can run even while no user is
logged on.
Windows NT Services and Workstation Security
Since Oracle7 Server for Windows NT runs each instance as a service,
the instance can also run with no user logged on to the server machine.
This feature allows you to maintain workstation security while running
Oracle7 Server for Windows NT. A database administrator can start a
particular instance of the database and log off the machine.
Windows NT Services Naming Conventions
For each instance created, Oracle defines an Oracle service—the Windows
NT service related to the database executable. This Oracle database
service is named OracleServicesid, where sid is the instance name. (The
instance name is the same as the value of the ORACLE_SID
configuration parameter, and can be any alphanumeric combination of 1
to 4 characters.)
In addition, for each network listener defined during network
installation, Oracle creates a SQL*Net listener service—another
Windows NT service related to the network listener. This service is
named OracleTNSListenerid, where id is the name or abbreviated ID
associated with the network listener.
Additional Information:
Use the SQL*Net Easy Configuration
Utility to configure simpler networks. Use Network Manager to
configure more complex networks. Oracle Network Manager for
Windows Installation and User’s Guide includes information on
configuring more complex networks.
Security Features
Oracle7 Server for Windows NT provides extra security features. Earlier
releases allowed remote database access with the Server Manager