Instance manager command line commands, Edit – Oracle A423961 User Manual

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Oracle7 Server Getting Started for Windows NT

Instance Manager Command Line Commands

This section describes the ORADIM73 commands and parameters. Note
that each command is preceded by a dash.


Create an instance by specifying the following parameters:






–SID is mandatory; sid is the system identifier (SID). The
remaining parameters are optional.

For internal_pwd specify the password for the INTERNAL

For number, specify the number of users in the password file. The
default is 5.


Creating an instance using ORADIM73 in command

line mode only creates the password file and related service.
The database is NOT created (that is, database files are not


Edit a database instance by specifying the following parameters:






–SID is mandatory; sid is the system identifier (SID). The
remaining parameters are optional.

For newsid, specify the new SID for the instance (enter only if
changing an existing instance name).

For internal_pwd specify the password for the INTERNAL account
(this is necessary only if the password file was not created