Client system requirements – Oracle A423961 User Manual
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Oracle7 Server Getting Started for Windows NT
Client System Requirements
The following sections specify the hardware and software requirements
for installing the client software components of the Oracle7 Server for
Windows NT from your client workstation. You may need to install
additional hardware and software, depending on your network.
Hardware Requirements
IBM, Compaq, or 100%–compatible with an 80386 processor or
at least 8 MB of memory
hard disk space for the client software and related files.
Installing all of the items (including online
documentation) requires 85MB of free hard disk space.
a connected CD–ROM drive, functioning as a logical drive (if
you are completing the installation from a client workstation).
a network interface card (NIC) and accompanying software. The
NIC must be supported by Microsoft for use with LAN Manager
Enhanced or Windows for Workgroups.
Before installing software for the Oracle7 Server for
Windows NT, and for client workstations, be sure you have
completely installed your networking software and verified
that it is functioning properly.
Software Requirements
Client installations require the following software:
Microsoft Windows Version 3.1 or higher, running in Enhanced
Mode, Microsoft Windows for Workgroups 3.11, or Microsoft
Windows 95
appropriate network transport protocol software
Set Up the CD–ROM Drive
Verify that your CD–ROM drive is properly installed.
You can use any CD–ROM drive that can be attached to the
Windows NT server (either locally or as a shared resource) as a
logical drive to install the Oracle7 Server for Windows NT
software. If the connected CD–ROM drive cannot copy files to your
hard disk, refer to your CD–ROM documentation.
b. Load the Oracle7 Server for Windows NT CD–ROM.