Oracle A423961 User Manual

Page 37

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Installing Oracle7 Server for Windows NT

– Choose the INSTALL directory icon.

– Choose the ORAINST.EXE file icon.

If you are using Oracle Installer for the first time, it prompts you to
select a language.

b. Select a language, or choose OK to accept the default language.

When you select a language, Oracle Installer sets the NLS_LANG
configuration parameter. National Language Support (NLS) can be
changed after installation by changing the values for the
NLS_LANG configuration parameter and by using Oracle Installer
to install the message files for the additional language. See
Migrating from Earlier Releases, and National Language Support for
details on installing additional languages.

You can also set NLS for an individual instance using several
parameters in the initialization parameter file. NLS Language
in this Guide contains information about installing
additional languages.


The default language, English, is installed with every

Oracle7 Server for Windows NT, in addition to any other
language you select.


Specify a company name and Oracle Home location, then
choose OK. The Software Asset Manager window appears.

Notice that the Software Asset Manager dialog box contains the
following buttons:


Closes the Software Asset Manager, and exits Oracle Installer.

Options . . .

Allows you to do the following:
– request for confirmations before removing or installing products
– receive detailed messages and prompts during various phases of Oracle Install-
er’s function

– record the actions being performed by the Oracle Installer in a log file

View Log . . .

Allows you to view the Event Log. The Event Log displays installation and con-
figuration events in the Description Level you choose: Summary, Brief, and De-
tail. You can store and retrieve logs, and save them to files.
By default, log files are stored in


. If a

log file from a previous logging exists, it is renamed to



If you want to keep more than two log files (




), you must rename



file so that it is not overwritten.

Restore Icons

Allows you to restore Oracle product icons that have been accidently deleted.


Accesses the online Help system.