Oracle A423961 User Manual
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Oracle7 Server Getting Started for Windows NT
meant to be used in conjunction with Oracle platform–specific
documentation, you will also need to refer to the port–specific guide for
your particular platform for information on how to install and configure
Secure Network Services.
SQL*Plus User’s Guide and Reference
Introduces the SQL*Plus program and its uses. It also provides a
detailed description of each SQL*Plus command.
Oracle Server Manager User’s Guide
Describes how to use Oracle Server Manager, Oracle’s database
administration tool. This guide describes Server Manager’s graphical
component and line mode component. Information in this guide applies
to Server Manager running on all platforms. Platform–specific
differences are noted in platform–specific documentation. Other Oracle
Server Manager documents included with your documentation set are:
Oracle Server Manager for Windows User’s Guide, Oracle Server Manager for
Windows Installation Guide, Oracle Server Manager Release 2.3.2 Addendum,
and SQL*DBA to Oracle Server Manager Migration Guide.
Oracle Names Administrator’s Guide
Contains examples and figures that refer to specific machine types,
network protocols, and operating systems. These references are
examples of possible configurations and are not representative of all
configurations. Use this guide in conjunction with an Oracle operating
system–specific manual that includes notes on installation and operating
system–specific information such as configuration file locations and
protocol support on that platform.
Oracle7 Spatial Data Option Application Developer’s Guide
Describes how to efficiently and simply store, access, and manage
different types of data in a single database, and how to improve
performance for very large spatial databases holding gigabytes of
spatial data. Other Oracle Spatial Data documents included with your
documentation set are: Oracle7 Spatial Data Option Reference and
Administrator’s Guide, Oracle7 Spatial Data Option Overview.
Oracle Enterprise Manager Concepts Guide
Describes Oracle Enterprise Manager, Oracle Corporation’s newest
generation of system management tools. Enterprise Manager combines a
single point–of–control management console, intelligent agents, and
common services in an integrated, comprehensive systems management