Oracle A423961 User Manual
Page 81

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Using Oracle7 Server for Windows NT
Utilities. The directory \ORANT\RDBMS73\LOADER contains
a number of examples on the use of SQL*Loader.
Control File Conventions
When preparing a SQL*Loader control file, you must follow certain
syntax and notational conventions. For general information on the use
and syntax of control files, refer to Oracle7 Server Utilities.
Native Datatypes
When specifying datatypes in the SQL*Loader control file, note that the
default size of native datatypes are specific to Windows NT. You cannot
override these defaults in the control file.
Native Datatype
Default Field Length
Using the MONITOR Command
In addition to performing database administration tasks outside the
scope of the client Database Tools, you can use Server Manager to
monitor the performance of the Oracle7 Server for Windows NT using
the MONITOR command.
To use Server Manager MONITOR screens, run Server Manager in
screen mode and pick one of the selections from the MONITOR menu.
For further information, refer to Oracle7 Server Utilities.