Refreshing table snapshots – Oracle A423961 User Manual

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SQL Ref.

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Oracle7 Server Getting Started for Windows NT

you might use the following syntax to redirect the output from the
EXP73 utility:

C:\>EXP73 username/password PARFILE=filename 1>FILE1.LOG


In this command line,


receives the standard output from

EXP, while


receives the standard error.

Refreshing Table Snapshots

Oracle7 Server for Windows NT allows you to create copies of a remote
database table.

These copies, referred to as table snapshots, can reside on multiple nodes
of a distributed database. Snapshots allow users to query remote tables
on a local Oracle7 Server, thereby reducing network traffic.

The information in a table snapshot is periodically updated, or
refreshed, to reflect the most recent information in the original table
from which it was created.

Additional Information:

See Managing Table Snapshots in

Oracle7 Server Administrator’s Guide, for information on creating
and managing table snapshots.

Oracle7 Server for Windows NT also creates one or more background
threads called Snapshot Refresh threads, which can periodically refresh
snapshots. Several Snapshot initialization parameters control refresh
threads including:




Additional Information:

The Oracle7 Server SQL Reference lists

these initialization parameters , their default values, and the
range of acceptable values, as well as providing explanations of
these parameters.


Snapshot Refresh threads are only available with the

Distributed Option of Oracle7 Server for Windows NT.