Oracle A423961 User Manual

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Documentation Roadmap

and applications in a distributed environment. This manual is intended
to help you understand the concepts of distributed systems, and to aid
you in database and network administration in a distributed system.

Oracle7 Server Distributed Systems, Volume II: Replicated Data

Describes the Oracle7 Server features available to support advanced
distributed applications. Information in this manual applies to the
Oracle7 Server, running on all operating systems. The topics discussed
in this manual include: read–only snapshots, updatable snapshots, the
symmetric replication facility, and deferred transactions.

Information in this manual applies to users of the Distributed Option
only. Information on the symmetric replication facility applies to users
of the Advanced Replication Option only.

Oracle7 Parallel Server Concepts and Administration

Describes parallel processing and parallel database technologies, and
how to use them to make the most of their capabilities. This manual
prepares administrators to successfully implement parallel processing
by providing a thorough presentation of the concepts and procedures

Programmer’s Guide to the Oracle7 Server Call Interface

Provides a sound basis for developing applications using the OCI. It

the structure of an OCI application

conversion of data between the server and variables in your OCI

reference sections that describe OCI calls in detail

sample programs that illustrate the features of the OCI

Programmer’s Guide to the Oracle Precompilers

Comprehensive user’s guide and on–the–job reference to the Oracle
Pro*COBOL and Pro*FORTRAN Precompilers. It shows you
step–by–step how to develop applications that use the powerful
database language SQL to access and manipulate Oracle data. It
explores a full range of topics––from underlying concepts to advanced
programming techniques––and uses clear, hands–on examples to teach
you all you need to know.