overview 28
Playback 86
Setup 115
on camera 142
on computer 151
MF Focus button 23
microphone, description 26
Mode button 25
Move Images to Card 121
My Mode
description 48
preferred settings 52
Saved Settings sub-menu 53
using 52
noise reduction, long exposures
Normal Focus setting 38
number of images in internal
memory 183
number of pictures remaining
36, 82
ON/OFF switch, description 21
online Help for Capture menu
options 56
optical zoom 41
over-exposing an image 57
override automatic exposure 46
Panorama mode
Preview Panorama 95
setting 48
using 49
parts of camera
back of camera 21
front, side, and bottom of
camera 26
top of camera 25
performance per battery type
record audio clips 32
share 97
take self-timer 44
take stills 31
Playback button, description 23
Playback menu, using 86
Playback, using 80
Portrait mode, setting 47
battery level icons 168
light 21
specifications 182
turn on/off 17
power adapter, HP AC 15, 26
connector on camera 26
purchasing 175
Power ON/OFF switch,
description 21
Power/Memory light,
description 21
Preview Panorama 95
Print button
description 23
using 83
print images
directly to printer 112
selecting images for direct
print 83
using HP Instant Share 97
problems, troubleshooting 123