2 adding and removing programs – HTC S621 User Manual
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Managing your Phone 61
4.2 Adding and Removing Programs
Before you purchase additional programs for your phone, you should note
the name of your phone, the version of Windows Mobile software running
on it, and the type of processor. This information will help you select a
program that is compatible with your phone. For more information, see “To
find the operating system version number” in this chapter.
Programs available for purchase usually include a Setup program
(commonly named “setup.exe”) that you must first install on your PC. You
can then use ActiveSync to add programs to your phone or add a program
directly from the Internet.
To add programs
Download the program to your PC (or insert the CD or disk that
contains the program into your PC). You may see a single *.exe fi le, a
*.zip fi le, a Setup.exe fi le, or several versions of fi les for diff erent device
types and processors. Be sure to select a program designed for your
phone and processor type.
Read any installation instructions or documentation that comes with
the program. Many programs provide special installation instructions.
Connect your phone and PC.
Double-click the *.exe fi le.
If the executable file is an installation wizard, follow the
instructions on the screen. Once the program has been installed
on your PC, the wizard will automatically transfer the program to
your phone.
If an installation wizard does not start, you will see an error
message stating that the program is valid but that it is designed
for a different type of computer. You will need to copy this
program to your phone. If you cannot find any installation
instructions for the program, use ActiveSync to copy the program
file to the Program Files folder on your phone.