HTC S621 User Manual
Page 166

166 Index
A2DP (Advanced Audio Distribution
Profile) 81
Accessibility settings
- confi rmation time out 59
- in-call alert volume 59
- multipress time out 59
- system font size 59
- install and set up 42
- overview 24, 42
- synchronize 45
Add and remove programs 61
Alarm 58
Alarm settings 57
Alerts 57
Answer/end call 36
Attachments 94
Backlight time out 60
Back up files 63
- battery information 28
- battery management 60
- check battery power 29
- low battery 29
- via Bluetooth 83
- beaming 83
- Bluetooth modem 85
- hands-free headset 81
- modes 78
- overview 78
- partnerships 79
- stereo headset 81
- synchronize 50
- visible 79
Calculator 24
Calendar 24, 107
Call History 24
- camera button 118
- icons and indicators 120
- main menu 125
- overview 24
- zoom 124
Capture formats 119
Capture modes 119
ClearVue Document 24, 150
ClearVue PDF 24, 151
ClearVue Presentation 148
ClearVue Suite 148
ClearVue Worksheet 24, 150
Clear Storage 24
Close running programs 62
Comm Manager 24, 77
- e-mail/SMS message 93
- MMS message 101
- MMS message from template 102
Conference call 37
Confirmation time out 59
Connecting to Wi-Fi Network 86
Connect phone to Internet
- dial-up to ISP 71
- GPRS 70
Connect phone to private network 72