Additional sense codes – HP Q153090901 User Manual

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Additional Sense codes

This section contains a list of all the additional sense codes that an HP Ultrium drive can return, in

numerical order. The Sense Keys under which each code could appear are also listed. The ASCQ

bytes are present at bytes 12 and 13 of the sense data.

Code Description


00 00h No additional sense

The flags in the sense data indicate the reason for

command failure.

00 01h Filemark detected

A Read or a Space command terminated early because a

filemark has been encountered. The File Mark flag will be


00 02h End of Tape detected

A Write or a Write Filemarks command ended in the early

warning area.


A command terminated early because End of Tape or

physical end of tape was encountered. The EOM flag will

be set.

00 04h Beginning of Tape detected

A Space command terminated early because beginning of

tape was encountered. The EOM flag will be set.

00 05h End of Data detected

A Read or a Space command terminated early because

End of Data was encountered.

00 16h Operation in progress

An immediate mode command is in progress

00 18h Erase operation in progress

An immediate mode ERASE is still in progress

00 19h Locate operation in progress

An immediate mode LOCATE is still in progress

00 1Ah Rewind operation in progress

An immediate mode REWIND is still in progress

04 00h LUN not ready, cause not


A tape is present in the drive but is in the process of being


04 01h LUN in process of becoming ready A medium access command has been received during a

load initiated from the front panel or by an immediate-

reported Load command

04 02h LUN not ready, Initializing

command required

A tape is present in the drive but is not logically loaded. A

Load command is required.

04 03h LUN not ready, manual intervention


A tape is present in the drive but could not be loaded or

unloaded without manual intervention.

04 07h Immediate mode command in


The tape drive is currently executing an immediate mode


04 10h Media Auxiliary Memory is not


MAM is not accessible.

0C 00h Write error

A Write operation has failed. This is probably due to bad

media but may be hardware related.

0C 0Bh Media Auxiliary Memory write


An error has occurred while attempting to write to MAM.

11 00h Unrecovered read error

A Read operation failed. This is probably due to bad

media but may be hardware related.

11 12h Media Auxiliary Memory read errorThe Host Attribute area in MAM is invalid.

14 00h Recorded entity not found

A Space or Locate failed because a format violation

prevented the target of the operation from being found.