Appendix c | using the – HP 700 Series User Manual

Page 179

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Appendix C | Using the Keyboard in Terminal Server Client | 175

Appendix C | Using the

Appendix C | Using the

Appendix C | Using the

Appendix C | Using the

Keyboard in Terminal

Keyboard in Terminal

Keyboard in Terminal

Keyboard in Terminal

Server Client

Server Client

Server Client

Server Client

Creating extended keyboard characters in

Creating extended keyboard characters in

Creating extended keyboard characters in

Creating extended keyboard characters in

the Terminal Server Client window (TSC)

the Terminal Server Client window (TSC)

the Terminal Server Client window (TSC)

the Terminal Server Client window (TSC)


key combinations that normally create extended

and international characters on the HP Jornada keyboard
(color-coded yellow symbols on selected keys) are not
available when typing in the TSC application. However,
you can still create these characters using special,
alternative keystroke combinations when you are typing in
a TSC session.

Using the alt key in conjunction with specific numeric key
combinations will produce these extended and
international text characters in a TSC session window.

The keyboard must be in NUMLOCK mode when pressing the
numeric keys indicated in these keyboard alternatives, and the
alt key and all of the indicated numeric keys must be
pressed to create the desired character.