HP 700 Series User Manual
Page 113

Chapter 6 | Accessing e-mail | 109
If you did not use HP dialup to create your connection, you will
need to activate the connection you want in Remote
Networking. On the Start menu, point to Programs, point to
Communication, and then tap Remote Networking. In the
Remote Networking folder, double-tap the icon of the
connection you want. Tap Connect to begin dialing.
Although it is based upon the outstanding content delivery
features of the Microsoft Internet Explorer Web browser
for desktop PCs, Microsoft Internet Explorer for Handheld
PC has been specially created to work efficiently on the
compact HP Jornada Handheld PC.
Most Web animations and graphical elements display well
on your HP Jornada, but some third party animations and
graphics may appear as a single still frame, or may not
appear at all. You may also have difficulty viewing Web
pages that require ActiveX controls or plug-ins.
For more detailed information on MS Internet Explorer 4.01
for H/PC features, settings and customization, see the
extensive, online, context-sensitive help files.
HP ChaiVM brings the Java™ virtual Machine to the Jornada
HP ChaiVM adds Java capability to Internet
For users, the ability to view Java applets in Internet Explorer.
HP ChaiVM allows users to experience many web effects
written in Java while browsing the Web with Internet
Explorer. Many dynamic Java-based web page elements are
automatically displayed, adding to the quality of the Web
browsing experience. HP's ChaiVM software is included in
ROM on your Jornada 700 Series H/PC.