Pattern generator mode – Erica Synths LXR-02 Drum Machine Synthesizer User Manual

Page 29

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A morph kit is a normal kit that is loaded as morph target. Any kit can be loaded as
a morph target.


> Press LOAD + MORPH
> Select the preset number of the kit you want to load.
> Push the encoder.
> The morph sound is loaded.
> Please note that you won't hear any change if the morph parameter value is set to
> Use the morph parameter on the performance page to morph the current kit into
the loaded morph kit.


You can also save the resulting sounds from morph operations. Just press the
SAVE + MORPH buttons and save the sound as a new kit. Instead of the original
sound, the currently playing mixture of the 2 presets will be saved.

Did you know?

If morphing arbitrary presets is too drastic for you, try modifying your
favourite pattern just a little bit and save it to a new location. Now you
can control all tweaked parameters at once!


The process to load and save songs is the same as described for the kits. Just use
the button combo Press LOAD + SONG or SAVE + SONG instead.


Patterns are a special case as they have no name. Loading and saving is done in
a similar fashion like changing patterns in pattern mode.


> The screen will show “Select Pattern, Current: x”
> Now you can use the SEQUENCER and BAR buttons to select the pattern to load.
> If the sequencer is playing, the new pattern will start after the current pattern
has finished playing.


> The screen will show “Save Pattern, Current: x”
> Now you can use the SEQUENCER and BAR buttons to select where to save the
> As soon as you press the SEQUENCER button, the display will show “success!”
and the pattern is saved.


The highpass filter removes low frequencies from the signal. All frequencies
below the cutoff frequency are reduced gradually.


The lowpass filter removes high frequencies from the signal. All frequencies
above the cutoff frequency are reduced gradually.


The bandpass filter removes frequencies above and below the set cutoff frequency.

Unit gain bandpass

The unit gain bandpass is a scaled version of the normal bandpass filter. The gain
is always adjusted to have its maximum around 0dB gain. Unlike the normal
bandpass, where the resonance controls the amplitude of the peak gain, it controls
the width of the passband.

18 dB

12 dB

6 dB

0 dB

-6 dB

-12 dB

-18 dB

18 dB

12 dB

6 dB

0 dB

-6 dB

-12 dB

-18 dB

18 dB

12 dB

6 dB

0 dB

-6 dB

-12 dB

-18 dB

18 dB

12 dB

6 dB

0 dB

-6 dB

-12 dB

-18 dB


The process to load and save project is the same as described for the kits. Just
use the button combo Press LOAD + PROJECT or SAVE + PROJECT instead.

Where Projects are special is in regard to the place where they are saved. All
previous datatypes are loaded from and saved to the non persistent RAM region
where the project data is located. Projects however are saved to the memory
card and are the only way to save kits, songs and patterns so they will be
restored after a power cycle. Projects are containers that are a collection of Kits,
Patterns, Songs and settings.


The pattern generator provides an easy way to generate interesting poly rhythms
on the fly. You just have to set the desired pattern length and the number of
active steps to generate a new pattern using the euclidean algorithm.