7 qos – PLANET MH-1000 User Manual
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Multi-Homing Security Gateway User’s Manual
Auth. Type:
The authentication type, Pap or Chap, PaP, Chap.
Data Encryption:
Select Enable or Disable the Data Encryption.
Encryption Key Length:
Auto, 40 bits or 128 bits.
Peer Encryption Mode:
Only Stateless or Allow Stateless and Stateful.
IP Addresses Assigned to Peer Start from:
192.168.1.x: please input the IP assigned range from 1 ~ 254
(except MH-1000’s LAN IP address with as MH-1000’s default LAN IP address and IP pool
range of DHCP server settings with 100~199 as MH-1000’s default DHCP IP pool range.)
Idle Timeout “ ” Min:
Specify the time for remote peer to be disconnected without any activities, from
Click Create to create a new PPTP VPN connection account.
Connection Name:
A user-defined name for the connection.
Select Enable to activate this tunnel. Select Disable to deactivate this tunnel.
Please input the username for this account.
Please input the password for this account.
Retype Password:
Please repeat the same password as previous field.
Connection Type:
Select Remote Access for single user, Select LAN to LAN for remote gateway.
Peer Network IP:
Please input the IP for remote network.
Peer Netmask:
Please input the Netmask for remote network.
Netbios Broadcast:
Allows MH-1000 to send local Netbios Broadcast packets through the PPTP Tunnel,
please select Enable or Disable.
4.4.7 QoS
MH-1000 can optimize your bandwidth by assigning priority to both inbound and outbound data with QoS.
This menu allows you to configure QoS for both inbound and outbound traffic.
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