Introduction – Epson Professional Series II User Manual

Page 9

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Your Epson


Professional Series II monitor is a high-

performance, multifrequency, autoscan color monitor for use
with graphic video controllers. The monitor is ideal for
applications that require a large screen size and



such as CAD/CAM/CAE and desktop publishing. It offers


following features:

20-inch Trinitron


color CRT display



brightness and resolution

High-resolution display of up to 1280


1024 pixels at a

fast, stable, flicker-free refresh rate (vertical frequency) of

up to 76 Hz

Fourteen factory-set video modes, including VGA,

132 column, Super VGA 800 x 600, interlaced 1024 x 768

(8514/A), non-interlaced 1024 x 768, and 1280 x 1024 with

a refresh rate of up to 76 Hz

Storage space for up to eight user-defined video modes

Automatic scanning of all horizontal frequencies from 30 to
82 KHz and all vertical frequencies from 50 to 160 Hz

LCD display which allows you to view the number of the

current video mode, easily adjust display parameters, and
perform other tasks

Three video


formats: composite sync

on green,

composite horizontal and vertical sync at TTL level, or
separate horizontal and vertical sync at TTL level

Three color temperatures which let you determine the

shade of white displayed on the screen: 9300° K (Kelvin),
6500° K, or a user-defined color temperature

Professional Series II Monitor