Retrotec Residential Pressure & Air Leakage User Manual

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©Retrotec Inc. 2012




Heating Ventilating and Air conditioning system.


A general term used to describe holes or the area of holes in or around an enclosure.

Leakage Area

This is the same as “Leakage” but expressed in square feet or m




Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design

Normalized Leakage

Area, NLA

Total leakage air flow divided by test enclosure surface area.

Open Range

A Range configuration on a Blower Door that has no Range Rings or Range Plates attached. On
Retrotec fans it is sometimes referred to as Open (22) Range since its diameter is 22 inches.


Outside the building in the area around the building.

Pascal (Pa)

Often shown as “Pa”. A very small metric unit of pressure. There are 249 Pascals in 1 in WC,
the pressure required to push water up 1 inch in a tube. 1 Pa = 0.000145 psi.


The process of creating a positive pressure in the house by blowing air into the enclosure. Air
is pushed out through all the leaks, causing the smoke to move away from the operator when
checked with an air current tester.

Range Plate

The metal Range attachment on the Retrotec Door, which holds Ranges C8, C6, C4, C3, C2, C1,
L4, L2, and L1. See the Retrotec Range Configuration QuickGuide.

Range Ring

The plastic Range attachments on the Retrotec Door, which include Range A and Range B. See
the Retrotec Range Configuration QuickGuide.


A set of simultaneous Room Pressure and Fan Pressure readings. Sometimes referred to as a
data set or test point because it is plotted as one point on a graph.

Reference Pressure

The pressure at which the ELA is calculated, usually at the test pressure.


See “Enclosure”.

Room Pressure

The pressure difference created by the Blower Door between inside and outside of the
enclosure, in this case a room. This pressure is commonly measured by Channel A on the
gauge or off of the Infiltrometer 60 Pa gauge.

test boundary

Boundary of the portion of the building which is actually tested. The area of this boundary is
used in the results calculation.

Test Points

Consists of a group of readings taken over a time period, which are typically averaged to
produce one test point that could be used as one of the multiple points in a curve fit or overall

Time Averaging

Refers to the digital gauge display that must have an adjustable averaging from 1 second to 1
minute for the purpose of averaging fluctuating pressure signals.
Averaging can be block averages that will update for the length of the average or rolling
(moving) averages that will update continuously by displaying the average over the past time


US Army Corps of Engineers

Zero Fan Pressure

ASTM E779-10 terminology for baseline pressure.