Astm air leakage testing procedure – Retrotec Residential Pressure & Air Leakage User Manual
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©Retrotec Inc. 2014
Open supply diffusers
Close damper over fresh/make-up air intake
Turn off fresh air ventilation system
Turn to pilot position, and leave keys on heater (so you remember to turn it back on)
ASTM Air Leakage Testing Procedure:
Make general observations (condition of windows, doors, walls, roof, floor, etc) and record enclosure measurements
(area, volume, height). Sketch plan view of building to aid in calculating area and volume measurements.
Record information from the following steps in the appropriate sections on sheet 3 of this document.
Measure and record indoor and outdoor air temperatures before and after the test.(If the product between the
difference in indoor/outdoor temperature multiplied by the building height is greater than 1180˚F, do not proceed with
the test because stack pressure is too high to allow for accurate interpretation of results)
Set up the fan in your selected doorway
Extend pressure tubing (red) through the door panel to the outdoors (if possible, use more than one location for
pressure measurement (see ASTM standard).
Buildings higher than 25ft should measure exterior pressure at more than one height and average the pressure pickups
using a manifold.
Seal the fan before taking bias pressure (zero Fan Pressure measurements) readings
Use the C range plate plugs or a nylon fan cover to cover the fan.
Take a (1) bias pressure reading averaged over at least 10s before the test begins (if it is windy, or there are high bias
pressures, increase the averaging period of this bias pressure reading).
Induce pressures between 10 and 60 Pa, with increments between 5 and 10 Pa; measure building pressure and air flow
rate over a 20s period.
Use the “Set Pressure” feature on the gauge to induce pressures between 10 and 60 Pa (example, for 15Pa push: [Set
Pressure] [1] [5] [Enter])
Record “PrA” values in the “Building gauge pressure” line
Record “PrB” values in the “Blower Door pressure” line
Record the flow range on the fan through which the pressures are being induced
Take a bias pressure reading averaged over at least 10s after the test ends (if it is windy, or there are high bias
pressures, increase the averaging period of this bias pressure reading).
Repeat steps 4 to 9 in the opposite direction (i.e. perform both a pressurization AND depressurization set)
Elevation above sea
Height above ground:
Enclosure Volume:
cu ft
Floor Area:
sq ft
Enclosure Area:
Building Air Leakage Test Form – ASTM E779-10