Test a house for total air leakage, Initial set-up, Take building measurements – Retrotec Residential Pressure & Air Leakage User Manual

Page 21: Perform basic tests, Find air leakage locations by feeling for air flow

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3. Test a house for total Air Leakage


Initial set-up

Set up the Blower Door system(s) for a total house leakage test. Ensure that the checklist has been followed,
and all precautions have been taken before turning on the fan(s). Ensure the tubing is correctly set up.


Take Building Measurements


Perform Basic Tests

3.3.1. Use the fan in the door panel to pressurize or depressurize the house

A basic air leakage test can be used to measure the total house leakage in a very short amount of time. It can
also be used to locate leaks and to conduct simple zone testing.

To conduct a basic air leakage test

1. Decide whether to pressurize or depressurize the enclosure.
2. Set the door panel and fan up according to the system specifications.
3. Increase the fan speed to achieve a pressure difference of 50 Pa (this is the most common

residential test pressure).

4. Measure the total house leakage.


Find Air Leakage Locations by feeling for air flow

Once a building has a pressure difference with respect to the outdoors, it can be quite easy to locate air leaks.
Sealing the leaks, however, can be more difficult because air leakage often takes creative paths through a
building envelope.