Interaction with other site activities, Volume needed for air change rates (ach50), Floor area needed by some protocols – Retrotec Residential Pressure & Air Leakage User Manual

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©Retrotec Inc. 2014

Wind speed is occasionally required to be measured for certain testing protocols. In most cases, it is simply
estimated so that differences in results during retest can be explained.

2.6.2. If needed, measure the inside and outside Temperatures

Temperature measurement is not required for most tests, but there are cases where testing protocols require
temperature corrections that can be 1 - 2% in total.

2.6.3. Measure and record any Existing Pressure Differentials

Prior to creating an artificial test pressure there may already be an existing pressure differential due to stack
pressures, wind or HVAC operation. Checking pressure differentials across the envelope prior to installing the
Blower Door equipment is recommended to identify these pressure sources.

2.6.4. Interaction with Other Site Activities

Construction and other activities require people to move in and out of the building during a leakage test.
Accommodations must be made to prevent these activities from spoiling the test. In most cases if the building
can remain closed for at least 10 minutes, a single point reading can be taken. If more complex tests are
required, complete access to the building may be required for 30 to 90 minutes.


Only Measure the Building if required - takes a long time

Do not make these measurements unless the test results require these dimensions, because they are very time-
consuming. In almost all cases, inside measurements are required.

2.7.1. Volume needed for air change rates (ACH50)

Some protocols require the volume of the building to the measured in order to calculate air-change rates. If this
measurement is being made directly from the building, it may take 10 to 60 minutes to complete. It is
recommended to complete this prior to installing any equipment. Volumes of the areas between floors are
generally included but specific testing standards must be referenced to ascertain what is required.

2.7.2. Surface Area needed for normalized leakage areas or permeability

If normalized leakage areas or permeability is required, then the surface area of the building must be measured.
This can take 10-60 minutes, and equipment should not be set up until the measurements are completed. Some
testing protocols may require the dimension to be read off building plans, other times it must be measured
directly on site. Recording all measurements in an organized way is recommended. The surface area of exterior
walls is usually measured as if intermediate floors do not exist.

2.7.3. Floor Area needed by some protocols

In some cases, floor area must be measured in order to calculate specific leakage area that is required by some
testing protocols. The floor area is generally measured to the outside walls, and does not include the area of
partition walls.