Retrotec Residential Pressure & Air Leakage User Manual
Page 17
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For fireplace chimneys without a damper, perform the test without sealing the chimney. It's a big leak that
needs to get fixed.
Exhaust Fans and Other Air Moving Equipment
Turn everything off that exhausts air from, or blows air into, the house. This includes central air systems,
bathroom fans, clothes dryers, and all other vents. It is always best if the homeowner turns them off, so that
they are responsible for turning them back on when testing is complete.
Possible exhaust appliances inside of the home:
Kitchen exhaust fans
Downdraft stove top exhaust units
Bathroom exhaust fans
Clothes dryers
Whole house cooling fans (usually located in the hallway ceiling)
Whole house vacuums vented to outdoors
Green-space ventilation fans
Exhaust Appliances Outside of the Home
Attic exhaust fans (powered attic ventilators) may throw off the test by depressurizing the house itself. There
are two ways to shut exhaust fans down: turn the exhaust fan off with the circuit breaker, or access the attic to
adjust the built in thermostat. Although less common, crawlspace ventilators can also cause this problem.
Window Air Conditioners
Window air conditioners must be off during the test. Be aware that in a northern climate, air conditioners may
be removed in the fall. During summertime testing, consider sealing it off with tape and plastic to get the most
representative reading for the winter operating conditions. In the south they are often left in place year-round,
and testing can be conducted without any special procedures.
Central Air Conditioners
Central air conditioners must be off during the test, including the air handler. If the ducts leak to the outside,
the test will be inaccurate if the air handler is running.
Cooling Ceiling Fans
It is usually ok to leave ceiling fans on, as they only blow air around in the room. However, in some cases they
will accelerate leakage at the ceiling fixture, and will interfere with leak detection if using smoke, so it is
recommended that they be turned off.
Solar Panel Fans
If the house has solar panels that use air from the home, the fan should not be running during the test.
Fuel Fired Appliances
Gas, oil or propane fired furnaces and water heaters must be prevented from firing during the test.