Epson 386SX User Manual

Page 273

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Source diskette

The diskette that you are reading or copying data from during a

copy or backup operation.

SP card

The circuit board inside the computer that provides the serial

and parallel interfaces.

Stop bit

A signal sent in serial communications to mark the end of a


A directory or group of files that branches down from another

subdirectory or from the root directory.


An option added to an MS-DOS command that modifies the
way the command works. Switches are usually preceded by a /

(forward slash). For example, if you add the /S switch to a

FORMAT command, MS-DOS installs the operating system on

the diskette as it formats it. See Parameter.

System diagnostics

A series of checks you can perform on the computer to make

sure the hardware is functioning correctly.

System diskette

A diskette that contains the operating system.

Target diskette

The diskette to which you are writing or copying data during a

copy or backup operation.

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