Epson 386SX User Manual

Page 141

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The size parameter allows you to specify the amount of extended

memory to be used as expanded memory. You specify the
amount of memory in kilobytes. If you do not specify a size, the

default value is 256KB.

This example tells the computer to use 1024KB of extended
memory as expanded memory:


The X:mmmm-nnnn parameter specifies a range of memory to
exclude from the EMM386.SYS command in hexadecimal

notation. EMM386.SYS does not locate its page frame or other

mappable pages in this memory range.

For example, to specify 1024KB of memory as expanded
memory and ensure that EMM386SYS does not locate any
pages in the address range C400 to C7FF, include this command

in your CONFIG.SYS file:

DEVICE=EMM386.SYS 1024 X:C400-C7FF

You can include more than one X: parameter in your

DEVICE=EMM386.SYS command to exclude more than one
range of memory.


Do not use the X: parameter unless you experience a memory

conflict with a memory option card.


MS-DOS with Your Equity 386SX
