Epson 8900 Series User Manual
Page 49

Printer Commands
The Model 8900 Series Printers receive commands from the host
computer in the form of ASCII control character codes and escape-
sequence codes. In response to these commands, the printer performs
one or more operations defined by the command set of the currently
selected emulation mode. Chapters 4 through 8 describe the standard
emulation modes.
An example of a control character command common to all character
sets and all emulation modes is the line feed (LF) character. This
control character (designated by hexadecimal code 0A or decimal
code 10) causes the printer to advance the paper or form to the next
print line. To invoke the line feed operation, the host computer sends
the 8-bit code (00001010) identified as the LF character.
An escape-sequence command is a sequence of two or more characters
that always begins with the ASCII escape (ESC) control character
designated by hexadecimal code 1B. The ESC control character
signals the printer that one or more succeeding characters are an
escape-sequence command.
An example of an escape-sequence command common to all standard
emulation modes is the Set Form Length command ESC C n. This
command contains the following elements.
q ESC — the ASCII control character that signals the start of an
escape sequence
q C — an ASCII character that identifies the escape sequence as a
form length command
q n — a decimal variable that can be set to a range of values to
specify the form length in number lines
Note: Decimal values of variables are designated by lowercase italic
letters. ASCII characters and number values of variables are
designated by uppercase italic letters.
Character Sets and Global Commands 3-18