Else-if statement – HEIDENHAIN IK 5293 User Manual
Page 336

Chapter 7
Else-If Statement
Else-If statements are also used in conjunction with an If-Then statement. If
the test condition for the If-Then statement is false the program skips the
‘then’ action and checks the second test condition. If the second test condi-
tion is true the program carries out the second action and if it is false the
program continues to the next line.
In this example, if the feature measures greater than 5mm the program car-
ries out the action ‘End_Program.’ If the feature measures less than 5mm
the program checks the second test condition. If the feature measures less
than 6mm the program carries out the action “Measure_2’ and if greater
than 6mm goes to the next program line.
To place an Else-If statement in a program, click the Else-If Statement but-
ton in the program toolbar.