Pass/ fail displays, To perform a true position tolerance, True position tolerance (circles, points arcs, sph – HEIDENHAIN IK 5293 User Manual

Page 213

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Pass/ Fail Displays

A green pass symbol in the features list indicates the feature is within its toler-

Red symbols indicate the feature failed one or more tolerances.

True position tolerance (circles, points arcs, spheres)

Use true position tolerance to specify nominal position and size for a selected
feature, specify upper and lower deviation allowed from nominal position and
size, and calculate pass/fail results. True position tolerance compares the mea-
sured location of a center point (on at least one axis) to the nominal location of
that feature's center point and separately compares the size of that feature. True
position tolerancing is regardless of size tolerancing. This means that position
and size are calculated independently and do produce true position bonuses.

To perform a true position tolerance

Step 1
Highlight the desired feature in the features list.






Use only a circle, point, arc, or sphere. T

Use only a circle, point, arc, or sphere. T

Use only a circle, point, arc, or sphere. T

Use only a circle, point, arc, or sphere. T

Use only a circle, point, arc, or sphere. True position tolerances

rue position tolerances

rue position tolerances

rue position tolerances

rue position tolerances

do not apply to other types of features.

do not apply to other types of features.

do not apply to other types of features.

do not apply to other types of features.

do not apply to other types of features.

Step 2
Click the true position/MMC/LMC button on the tolerance toolbar.