Tnc model, software and features – HEIDENHAIN TNC 640 (34059x-04) Cycle programming User Manual

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TNC model, software and features

TNC 640 | User's Manual Cycle Programming | 3/2014


DXF Converter software option

(option number 42)

Supported DXF format: AC1009 (AutoCAD R12)

For contours and point patterns

Simple and convenient specification of reference points

Extracting contour
programs and machining
positions from DXF data.
Extracting contour sections
from plain-language

Select graphical features of contour sections from conversational

Adaptive Feed Control (AFC) software option

(option number 45)

Recording the actual spindle power by means of a teach-in cut

Defining the limits of automatic feed rate control

Function for adaptive feed-
rate control for optimizing
the machining conditions
during series production

Fully automatic feed control during program run

KinematicsOpt software option

(option number 48)

Backup/restore active kinematics

Test active kinematics

Touch-probe cycles for
automatic testing and
optimization of the machine

Optimize active kinematics

Mill-Turning software option

(option number 50)

Switching between Milling/Turning mode of operation

Constant cutting speed

Functions for milling/turning

Tool-tip radius compensation

Turning cycles

Extended Tool Managment software option

(option number 93)

Extended tool management, python-based

Remote Desktop Manager software option

(option number 133)

Windows on a separate computer unit

Remote operation of
external computer units
(e.g. Windows PC) via the
TNC user interface

Incorporated in the TNC interface

Synchronizing Functions software option

(option number 135)

Real Time Coupling (RTC)

Coupling of axes