Output format for the compensation-value table – HEIDENHAIN ND 281 B v.2 User Manual

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Compensation-value table for ND 281 B (angular measurement): Active compensation

Compensation-value table



Start character ( * );

ND-281 B DMS

Model of display unit; DEC (decimal) or DMS (deg-min-sec);

CMP. NR. 00 = + 0.00.00

Compensation value 0 = 0.0000mm (compensation value 0 is always 0)

CMP. NR. 01 = + 0.00.03

Compensation values 1 – 18 are assigned values (value input)

CMP. NR. 02 = + 0.00.05

i.e. a rotary encoder is corrected in 5-degree steps from 0 - 90 degrees

CMP. NR. 03 = + 0.01.01

Input in deg-min-sec

CMP. NR. 04 = + 0.00.43
CMP. NR. 05 = + 0.00.21
CMP. NR. 06 = + 0.00.06
CMP. NR. 07 = - 0.00.04
CMP. NR. 08 = - 0.00.12
CMP. NR. 09 = - 0.00.24
CMP. NR. 10 = - 0.00.44
CMP. NR. 11 = - 0.00.52
CMP. NR. 12 = - 0.00.43
CMP. NR. 13 = - 0.00.35
CMP. NR. 14 = - 0.00.24
CMP. NR. 15 = - 0.00.19
CMP. NR. 16 = - 0.00.13
CMP. NR. 17 = - 0.00.05
CMP. NR. 18 = + 0.00.00
CMP. NR. 19 =


Compensation values 11 – 71: no values entered (memory empty)

CMP. NR. 20 =


CMP. NR. 70 = ----------
CMP. NR. 71 = ----------

Final character (*);

Output Format for the Compensation-Value Table