Grass Valley M-2100 User Manual

Page 76

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MMCP Installation/Operation Manual

Section 2 — System Operations

At the effective time of the transition cut (considering preroll, transition
hold and transition now), the old Program Over and ratio are immediately
replaced with the new Over source at its associated ratio. The main source
is unchanged.

The audible result is an immediate cut to new Over source at its ratio. The
panel tally will be immediate.

Cut Transition—Cut to New Over and Change Main Source


Change in audio Main source

Over currently on Program bus

Over is on Preset bus

Identical to cut an Over on and change main source: this audio cut is
treated as a fade-fade and the ratios are not changed during the transition.

Hot Cut Transition 1


Change Program Main source

Over was on Program bus

The new Program main source will be selected immediately and will high
tally on the panel. Over the FTU interval the ratio of the Over source is tran-
sitioned to zero, at which time the Over source is removed and the panel
tally is removed.

The audible result is an immediate cut of the main source but at the pre-
existing ratio (not full level, Over will still be present). Over the FTU
interval the new main source is faded up to full level and the Over is faded
to zero. The Over is then removed and the Over panel tally is removed.

Hot Cut Transition 2


Hot cut on an Over on the Program bus

No Over currently on Program bus

The new Program Over source will be selected immediately and will high
tally on the panel. If the ratio associated with the Over source is greater
than 50%, then the ratio is set to 50% immediately at cut-in time and is tran-
sitioned to the final ratio Over the FTU period. This yields the effect of a
constant Over level, with the main level fading under to its final level
which is dictated by the ratio setting.

If the ratio associated with the Over source is 50% or less, than an imme-
diate cut is done to this ratio.